1 Introduction . This website is the online store of the company "SitHappens" "PAPANIKOLAOY PARADEISIS & SIA EE Registration Number: 160112221000, Tax Identification Number: 801611622 Headquarters: 7 Anatolikis Thrakis, Nea Chili Alexandroupoli, 68100 DOU: Alexandroupolis email: sithappensgr@ gmail.com which for the purposes of the present for the sake of brevity will henceforth be called COMPANY. Through the website www.sithappens.gr you have the possibility to be informed about the products sold by the COMPANY and/or to make, if you wish, a remote purchase of these products through its online store, as they are specifically presented on this website. It is expressly agreed that the maintenance by the COMPANY of the website www.sithappens.gr does not constitute a proposal for drawing up a sales contract with the respective USER. Regarding your browsing on this website and the remote purchase of products through it, you acknowledge that they are carried out in accordance with more specific terms and conditions, as they arise from the present terms of use of the website, the terms of sale, which are provided below in the relevant chapter but and by the current legislation. For the needs of the present, the USER (member or not of this page) will be invited.

2. How to use the website.

a . The USER of the website is invited before browsing it to read and comply with the terms and conditions governing the use of the website, which are binding on him and he accepts them unconditionally, as they have been formulated by the COMPANY. It is expressly agreed that the COMPANY is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by it, the USER or any third party due to the USER's improper observance of the terms of use of the website.

b. The USER, who will make a purchase of products through this website, promises and accepts that he meets the legal conditions for concluding the contract and that he is an adult.

c . The COMPANY provides the possibility for the USER of this website to register, if he so wishes, as a member of it (REGISTERED USER-MEMBER) by declaring certain information and in particular first name, last name, email (in this particular case the declared email acts as a username), password, while at the same time he will be asked to verify his password. By creating a registered user-member account on behalf of the USER, the latter has the possibility, if he wishes, to receive informative e-mails about the prices of the company's products, about new products, about offers, etc.

3. Hyperlinks - Links. This website may contain hyperlinks or links to websites that do not belong to the COMPANY. The COMPANY expressly states that it bears no responsibility for the content of the above websites, which are governed by their own terms of use which the USER must read carefully, before browsing any of them.

4. Amendments . The COMPANY reserves the right to modify the content of these terms differently, always within the framework of legality, and the USER acknowledges this right to the COMPANY. The COMPANY reserves the right to further modify and/or remove the whole or part of all the contents of the website (indicative of texts, images, product descriptions, etc.) without warning as well as to limit access to parts or the whole of this website .

5. Liability Disclaimer. The COMPANY is not responsible towards the USER, if for any reason the website is not available at a given time or for any period of time. The COMPANY points out that the website may display technical errors with a direct effect on the presentation of its contents (indicative of photos, prices, texts, etc.) for reasons for which it is not responsible and promises that it will make an effort to faster recovery of them.

6 . Ownership of rights . All the content, logos and software of the website are the intellectual and/or industrial property of the COMPANY or of third parties contractually associated with the COMPANY. Therefore, the content of the page is made available to the USER for personal use only and under no circumstances for public or commercial use. The COMPANY expressly declares that the USER may save, print and display the content provided by this website exclusively for his personal use. The USER is not allowed to publish, manipulate, distribute or otherwise reproduce, in any form, anything that appears on this website. In addition, it may not modify or create derivative works based on any software or the accompanying documents, provided by the website www.seabass.gr

No license or consent is granted for the USER to use the COMPANY's marks in any way, and agrees not to use these marks contained on this website or any similar symbols. It is expressly agreed that the USER will not use the COMPANY's name or website in a way that may cause any damage or harm to the COMPANY or to a third party, for the restoration of which the USER will be solely responsible.

7. Save - Print terms. The USER, for the security of his transactions, has the possibility to save and/or print all the terms of use of this website.

8. Ability to communicate. For any question or complaint from the application of all the contents of this website terms of use, the USER can contact by email at sithappensgr@gmail.com

9. Privacy.

a. The COMPANY expressly guarantees that it has taken all the necessary technical and organizational measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all USER data. The COMPANY for the operation of the online store uses and constantly upgrades the subsystems, which are required for the smooth and proper operation of the system. Examples of such are: backup system, protection, protection against viruses, protection against malicious actions, etc. In addition, for the security of the USER, an SSL certificate has been installed, which ensures the security of the USER's data when browsing the website (secure connection).

b. The COMPANY also observes all the security rules for the safe access by the USER to the account of the registered member-user, which he may have created, in accordance with the above mentioned under para. 2c.

However, by creating the account, the USER promises that he will also observe all the appropriate security measures, in order to keep his account details confidential. The COMPANY declares that it is not responsible for the restoration of any damage or loss resulting from non-observance of the appropriate security rules on the part of the USER and for this reason the USER must proceed after the completion of the communication through his account to a safe exit from the account (disconnection) and to protect the non-disclosure of the personal details of his account to any third party. In case of loss or, despite the above, any way of disclosing the secret access code to a third party, the USER must immediately inform the COMPANY at e-mail: sithappensgr@gmail.com

B. Privacy Policy

1 . The USER can browse the website without being asked for any personal information by the COMPANY, unless expressly informed beforehand by the COMPANY.

2. The USER has the possibility, as already mentioned above, to register as a member (REGISTERED USER) by stating first name, last name, email, password and password verification. By registering in the system as a member, the USER automatically consents to the collection of the aforementioned personal data by the COMPANY. In any case, this is information necessary to carry out the online sale and inform the USER about it. The USER undertakes to truthfully and accurately provide this information and to properly update his registration information so that it is kept up-to-date.

3 . Even if the USER is not registered as a member, at the time when he places an order, he will be asked for personal information, such as his name, e-mail address, telephone number, residential address, shipment, so that they can be processed by the COMPANY, so that the latter can complete the order. And in this case, the USER automatically consents to the collection of the aforementioned personal data by the COMPANY. In any case, this is information necessary to carry out the online sale and inform the USER about it. And in this case, the USER undertakes to provide this information truthfully and accurately and to inform in a timely manner of any change thereof.

4 . The COMPANY complies with the relevant legislation for the protection of personal data. The COMPANY will not transmit or disclose personal information to third parties without the USER's consent, unless this is required by Law.

According to the relevant legislation on personal data, the USER has the rights of information, access and objection as provided by articles 11-13 of Law 2472/1997.

5. Regarding the collection of data for sending newsletters, the COMPANY expressly undertakes that this will take place with the express prior consent of the USER. The USER reserves the right to access the file where his data is kept and to be able to withdraw his consent and request his deletion from the list of recipients. He further reserves the right to correct upon his request if there are any errors in the entries.

6. The COMPANY expressly guarantees that it has taken all the necessary technical and organizational measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data, as already described above.

7. The above data are processed by the COMPANY for the purpose of executing the order and the general process of the online sale and are not made public or transferred to third parties without prior notification of the USER, unless this is required by the Law. As already mentioned, the USER's phone number will be requested for the execution of his order. This number may be given to the COMPANY's cooperating courier company in order to process the delivery services. The requested information allows the COMPANY to process the USER's order and inform him of the status of his order.

8. COOKIES . The COMPANY may collect identification information of the USER of the website using certain technologies such as e.g. cookies. Cookies are small files, which are stored on the hard disk of the USER of the website and do not take notice of any document or file from his computer.

Due to the use of cookies, it is not possible to verify the user's personal identity. You can reject the use of cookies by setting the appropriate browser settings. Certain functions of the website will not be available if you choose not to use cookies. The main categories of cookies used by this website are the following:

a . Cookies, which do not recognize the identity and are necessary for the proper operation of the website and without them the COMPANY cannot offer the proper operation of the website.

b. Cookies, which collect anonymous information about how to use the website, such as e.g. which websites you visit most often.

c. Cookies, which allow the website to remember the user's choices, such as e.g. the language or region.

d . Cookies, which offer the COMPANY the possibility to identify the websites visited by the USER, from where information about his interests is derived and subsequently allow us a more convenient marketing method for each consumer.

9 . This website may contain links or hyperlinks to websites that do not belong to the COMPANY. Such websites may have their own terms of personal data protection for which the COMPANY bears no responsibility.


1. Ability to purchase products online . Through our website www.sithappens.gr with simple and understandable steps the USER can order and finally complete the process of the remote online sale of the COMPANY's products. In order to make a purchase of the COMPANY's products, the USER should choose based on the detailed and clearly indicated method, which is included on our website, the products he wishes to buy.

2. USER update . Before placing the order, it is useful for the USER to be informed in detail about the basic elements and terms of the contract for the sale of the products, which each time are offered for information at the relevant stage-field before the purchase is made.

3. Legal framework for buying products online. The "TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE" included in this chapter govern in parallel and at the same time as all the terms of use of the website and the relevant legislation the purchases of products via the internet of the online store www.sithappens.gr. The USER acknowledges that, before purchasing the products, he has read all of the above terms and accepts their content.

4. Product features. The main characteristics of the products for sale are displayed on this website in the appropriate area. It is possible that for technical reasons related to the website, the browser or due to entering the website via a mobile phone, there may be a partial mismatch between the displayed product and the real one such as e.g. in the case of differences in the impressions of the colors of the products. The COMPANY is not responsible for any such variations.

5. Ordering process .

a. To purchase products, follow the steps below ORDER PROCESS

  1. You select a section of the website (eg 3D Rugs, 3D Bathroom Curtains, 3D Bathroom Sets, 3D Stickers) and then the type of product.
  2. View the product(s) you are interested in. With one click you can enlarge the photo to see every detail. In the product description you can see useful information such as composition, reference code and price. Then the available sizes and colors.
  3. Select a product, the quantity and the color if the product you selected is available in more colors and add the item to the cart. Then you can choose whether you want to continue shopping or complete the order.
  4. If you want to continue shopping, repeat the process. Otherwise, if you want to complete the order, you can continue either by creating an online account or by quick ordering without registering.
  5. Choose the payment method: Credit Card, Bank Deposit or Cash on Delivery
  6. Please read the order confirmation carefully
  7. Select (click) the acceptance icon for the terms and conditions, which you must read and accept before selecting the "pay" icon.

b. It goes without saying that before completing his order, the USER can cancel or vary elements of his order (quantity or type of product). In any case, the COMPANY advises the USER to check the details of the order in detail before selecting the "payment" icon.

c. When the USER finally places an order, he will immediately receive a confirmation, via e-mail, confirming the receipt of the order by the COMPANY. It is noted that receipt by the USER does not mean that the order has been accepted by the COMPANY and that the contract for the sale of the ordered product has been concluded.

d. Subsequently, confirmation will be sent to the USER via e-mail that the order has been shipped. The above confirmation will include the shipping code of the cooperating courier company, so that the USER can locate the ordered products. With the sending of the second e-mail on behalf of the COMPANY, it is considered that the contract of sale has been concluded only for the products included in the sent order. In the event that any amount has been paid for a product that is not included in the shipped order or in the event that the USER does not receive a second shipment confirmation e-mail, this amount will be returned to the USER.

6 . Correct declaration of USER details. When placing an order, all the information provided by the USER must be true and accurate. In order to avoid accidental mistakes, it is considered appropriate for the USER to check all the details of his order before completing it.

7. Prices - stocks. Product costs may vary. The COMPANY declares that all prices included on the website are subsequently subject to these changes, for which the USER will be duly informed. Furthermore, the COMPANY's products are available subject to the availability of their stocks, for which the USER will be duly informed.

8. Right not to accept the order. Although the COMPANY has made the maximum possible effort, so that both the characteristics and the prices of the products are accurate, it reserves the right not to accept the order of products, which by mistake have the wrong characteristics or price, e.g. due to a graphical detour or due to technical errors in the operation of the page or for any other reason.

The COMPANY reserves the same right in case of an order with a very high price as well as the right to contact the USER.

The COMPANY further declares that it reserves the right not to accept an order from a person who has not received and paid for the ordered products without reason repeatedly in the past. In any case, the COMPANY declares that it reserves the right to contact the USER in order to ensure the smooth development of the completion of each order. In addition, the Company reserves the right at its absolute discretion to communicate specifically in the case of a person who has not received, having chosen cash on delivery as a payment method, ordered products repeatedly in the past with this person as well as to request in the case this payment of the price and any expenses by deposit into a bank account.

9. Payment methods

a. Payment by credit card. The user has the possibility to pay with Visa, Mastercard and Maestro credit cards. Online payment by credit or debit card is carried out through the "Secure Socket Layer" security system which ensures the encryption of your bank details during transmission. them on the network.
The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol is today the global standard on the internet for certifying websites to web users and for encrypting information between web users and web servers. An encrypted SSL communication requires that all information sent between a client and a server be encrypted by the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, thus protecting personal information in transit. In addition, all information sent with the SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism that automatically checks if the data has been modified in transit

b. Pay with Apple Pay. The user has the possibility to pay with Apple Pay.

10. Shipping and Delivery.

a. For shipping and delivery of orders within Greece

ah. Delivery time. The COMPANY will deliver the products to the USER at the address declared by the USER through the cooperating courier company within 1-2 days from the day of receiving the second confirmation email.

av . Shipping cost. The COMPANY undertakes the shipping costs (within Greece) while for all other cases the USER will be clearly informed by the COMPANY about the shipping costs before ordering the products.

b . For shipping and delivery of orders outside of Greece

wow Delivery time i. The COMPANY will deliver the products to the USER at the address declared by the USER through the cooperating courier company within 2 days from the day of receiving the second confirmation e-mail, if the delivery is made to any of the countries within the European zone, from those that the COMPANY has the ability to ship products and ii. The COMPANY will deliver the products to the USER at the address declared by the USER through the cooperating courier company within 10 days of receiving the second confirmation e-mail, if the delivery is made to any of the countries outside the European zone, among them that the COMPANY has the ability to ship products.

c . The COMPANY declares that it bears no responsibility for orders sent through no fault of its own to an incorrect address.

11. Order File . The COMPANY informs that it maintains an electronic record of each order, to which the USER may have access.

12. USER RIGHTS. It is expressly agreed that the USER has the right to replace the product or refund the money, etc. in accordance with the relevant provisions on the sale of articles 534 et seq. of the Civil Code, observing all relevant rules in the event of the existence of a defective product or the lack of an agreed quality, provided that this is of course established after an inspection of the returned product by the COMPANY. A necessary condition, among others, is the presentation of the sales document and the goods in their original packaging.

13. Save - Print terms of sale

The USER, for the security of his transactions, has the possibility to save and/or print all the terms of sale.


I. Withdrawal from the market

1. Right of withdrawal. The USER who makes a remote purchase of the COMPANY's products through the online store www.sithappens.gr has, in compliance with the relevant legislation, the right to withdraw from the purchase and return the product or products purchased in accordance with the procedure described in this chapter (I) process.

2. Deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal. The USER has the right to withdraw from the purchase he made without stating his reasons within 14 calendar days from the day he or a third person indicated by him obtains physical possession of the product.

3. Method of exercising right. The USER may make the above withdrawal, if he informs the COMPANY within the above deadline, either by using the model declaration of withdrawal from the purchase under the title "Return request" (which can be saved or printed by clicking here ) either by completing the above form, a copy of which he will receive together with the packaging of the product he will order, and sending it to the COMPANY or by making any other clear statement, with which he expresses his clear will to withdraw from the market. Especially in the case of sending the withdrawal statement electronically (under the title "refund request"), the USER will immediately receive confirmation of receipt of this withdrawal.

4. USER'S RESPONSIBILITY . The USER is only responsible for any reduction in the value of the goods resulting from handling, which was not necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and function of the goods.

5. USER Obligations.

a . The USER has an obligation to return the goods without undue delay and in any case within 14 calendar days from the day he announced to the COMPANY, in accordance with the above, his decision to withdraw from the contract. The above deadline is met, if the USER sends back the goods before the expiration of the 14 calendar day period.

b . The products must be returned in the condition in which the USER received them and with the packaging, unworn and clean. Furthermore, for the withdrawal to be accepted the special markings must not have been removed from the clothes (the labels) and it is necessary to return the sales document.

c . In the case of a refund by deposit to the USER's bank account (e.g. in the case where cash on delivery has been selected as a payment method), the USER is obliged to note in the withdrawal statement the number of his bank account, to which the COMPANY will return the money.

6. COMPANY Obligations

a. The COMPANY will refund any expenses received from the USER, without undue delay and in any case within 14 calendar days from the day on which it was informed of the USER's decision to withdraw from the contract. The refund from the COMPANY's side will be made using the same means of payment that the USER used for the initial transaction.

b . The COMPANY may withhold the refund of the price of the products until it receives back the goods or until the USER provides proof of having sent back the goods, whichever occurs first.

c. Especially in the case of a refund for products, for which cash on delivery has been chosen as the payment method, the refund to the USER will be made by depositing the amount into the USER's bank account within 14 working days from the day on which the refund was made of the products.

7. Cost and return method. The USER bears the cost of returning the products he returns, using a courier company of his choice. In the case of returning products from a country outside the European Union, there is a possibility that customs clearance costs may be imposed.

8. Exceptions to the right of withdrawal

a. Furthermore, in the event that the product is sold as a package (packages containing more than one piece such as a bathroom set), then the USER may withdraw for all the products and provided that the package has not been opened.

II. Change request (product replacement)

1 . It is expressly agreed that the COMPANY will accept requests to replace products in any other type and always subject to stock availability within a period of fourteen days from receipt of the product.

a. The USER in this case is obliged to fill in and send to the e-mail sithappensgr@gmail.com the change request (product replacement), noting the codes of the products he wishes to change as well as the color and/or size he likes. Within 48 hours he will receive an e-mail about whether his request has been accepted. In this case, the USER undertakes the shipping costs of the products to the COMPANY, which he sends together with the payment document and the COMPANY returns the new product to the USER at its own expense through the courier company cooperating with it.

b. The COMPANY grants the USER the right to replace the products purchased through the online store for reasons related to their size and color only through the online store. In any case, however, the USER is obliged to present the proof of retail sale.

2. The products must be returned in the condition in which the USER received them and with the packaging, unworn and clean. Furthermore, in order to accept the replacement, the special markings must not have been removed from the clothes (the labels) and it is necessary to return the sales document.

3. Exceptions

a. It is expressly agreed that no replacement request will be accepted in case the product is sold as a package (packages containing more than one piece such as a bathroom set). In this case, the USER may replace all the products and provided that the packaging has not been opened, with another that may be offered in a different color or size.

4. It is expressly agreed that the USER who wishes to replace the products purchased through this website with one or more other products for reasons other than color and size and always subject to stock availability, should follow the withdrawal procedure from the purchase (as described above) that he has made, to return the product in accordance with what is defined above in the relevant paragraph (USER obligations) and will then make a new purchase.

III. Replacement due to the existence of a real product defect or due to a lack of agreed quality of the product.

1 . It is expressly agreed that the USER has the right to replace the products or refund his money, etc. in accordance with the relevant provisions on the sale of articles 534 et seq. of the Civil Code, observing all the relevant rules in the event of the existence of a defective product or due to the lack of its agreed quality, if this is of course established by an inspection of the returned product by the COMPANY, as already above has been mentioned under item C1.12. In this case, the costs of returning the products, which will be done through the courier company cooperating with the COMPANY, are borne by the COMPANY.

2. And in the case of replacement of a defective product, the products must be returned in the condition in which the USER received them and with the packaging, unworn and clean. Furthermore, in order to accept the replacement, the special markings must not have been removed from the clothes (the labels) and it is necessary to return the sales document.


Any modification of these terms and conditions shall only be made in writing and shall only be evidenced thereby.

These terms of use apply within the framework defined by the relevant legal provisions. Any condition that becomes contrary to the applicable legislation automatically ceases to be valid.

It is expressly agreed that for any dispute arising from the application of all these terms of use and especially the terms of sale, if not resolved amicably, it is governed by Greek law and the courts of the city of Athens are competent.